Sunday, December 21, 2008

Low on battery juice on E71?

Recently my E71 had been running flat pretty quick. With normal usage of a few calls and messaging, the phone went from a full charge to flat in a matter of 3 days. Wow!! What happened???! puzzling as it could be, it was down to my installation of Garmin XT latest version 5. This version activate the cardrunner.dll on your sys\bin folder which runs garmin tsrautostart.exe file to run in the background.

How to get around this problem.

1) Install nokia's energy profiling program.

2) Close all phone programs and run the above program checking your phone running wattage. With the garmin tsrautostart.exe running in the phone's background, your power usage will be around 0.09-0.15w.

3) Plug your phone to your computer and access your memory card sys\bin folder and look for cardrunner.dll file.

4) Edit and rename the file (ex. disable_cardrunner.dll)

5) Now reset your phone and run nokia energy profiler again. You should see that your phone will be running about 0.02-0.14w. you are getting the life back on your E71, you will get back the battery juice and the phone will last another 3-4 days more under normal usage.

6) However, do take note. Whenever you run your garmin xt, tsrautostart.exe will be ran and you will start losing battery juice. Reset your phone after you use garmin xt and things will be back to normal.

Hope this post helps.

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